Junior Christian Endeavour (Junior C.E.)

When: Friday 7.00pm - 8.15pm; but check What's On

Where: Anderson Room, Guild Hall

Open to: 4 - 11 Years Old

ContactCherry Dickson

Thank goodness it's Friday!

  • Are you aged between 4 and 11?

  • Are you looking for something to do on Friday nights?

  • Do you want to make new friends?

  • Do you like to take part rather than just sitting there?

Then why not come along to the C.E. each Friday night from 7pm - 8.15pm? We have stories, singing, quizzes and much more - a DVD night, a party, President's night and a BBQ. Come and join us - all boys and girls will be very welcome.

Join us and be part of this exciting organisation.